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new forums are now available
We are proud to introduce the new Forums section.  These forums will allow you to post questions and get help covering a wide range of computer and generic topics.

finally, linux for the desktop
After years of dominance by Microsoft in the desktop market, Linux takes aim at becoming the new desktop standard with Lycoris's new Desktop/LX.

download internet explorer 6 SP1
Download IE 6 SP1 and get the latest cumulative and security updates.  Modemnet recommends visitors upgrade to IE6 for the best compatibility with our website.


Take Our Quality Survey

With the recent changes that have been made to our website, we would like to know how you feel.   Is navigation easier?  Are menu's more understandable?  Take our Quality Survey and let us know what you think!

We are now CompTIA A+ certified as of February 2002!  This guarantees that we will provide expert hardware and software PC support.

Last Updated: January 08, 2011 - 11:01 AM EST

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